Fire District #4

Grand Isle Fire District No. 4
P.O. Box 197     204 West Shore Rd.
Grand Isle, VT 05458

A group of local residents established the Grand Isle Fire District #4 in 1967. A Charter and Bylaws were adopted on July 17, 1967. The purpose of the GIFD #4 is to supply dependable, potable water. The GIFD #4 is a non-profit, municipal organization. Our water filtering and distribution system is an integral part of the infrastructure of Grand Isle. We are part of the Town of Grand Isle, yet we are independent. Currently, the GIFD #4 supplies water to 386 households in the northwest part of the Town. Our customer fees and rates are designed to cover all the costs associated with supplying water to our customers, in both the long and short term.

In Fire Districts and How They Work: A Guide for Municipal Life, by the Vermont Office of the Secretary of State, dated March, 1992, it states: “Fire districts are the orphans of Vermont municipal life. Towns and school districts have real identities, clear boundaries of authority, and good law to support most of what they do. Fire districts have none of these.” Though we are considered “municipal,” we do not receive any funds from the Town of Grand Isle. (We received a small amount in 1967, the year GIFD #4 was founded.) We do get administrative support for municipal related matters from the Town Clerk, and the Listers, which is much appreciated.

Emergency Water Contact:

Operator Leslie Gardner CELL 802-355-4553

By Vermont law, the Fire District is governed by a Prudential Committee.

The current members are:
Peter Riegelman- (Chair)
Ilene Morgan- (Vice-Chair)
Andrew Paradee- Committee Member
Glen Patno- Committee Member
Jeff Parizo- Committee Member

The GIFD #4 Staff:
Leslie Gardner- Plant Manager/Operator
Esther Blow- (Clerk/Treasurer) Authorized Representative

The Prudential Committee meets monthly, on the 2nd Monday of each month, at 6:30 PM, at the Water Plant at 204 West Shore Road in Grand Isle. The next Annual Meeting will be held on May 12, 2025, in conjunction with our regular meeting. Customers and guests are always welcome to attend.