Justices of the Peace

Justices of the Peace

For term of Feb 2019 to Feb 2021

Vermont’s justices of the peace do far more than solemnizing marriages. Their duties are many and varied, from administering oaths to deciding property tax assessment appeals to delivering and counting ballots as elections officials.

Michael Inners                            Anna Marie DeMars
73 East Shore South                   49 Moccasin Ave
Grand Isle, VT 05458                  Grand Isle, VT 05458
802-372-8515                             802-372-4725

Howard DeMars                           Charlotte Kennedy
49 Moccasin Ave                           112 Pearl Street
Grand Isle, VT 05458                   Grand Isle, VT 05458
802-372-4725                              802-372-5760

Jennifer Wood                                    Susan Lawrence
109 East Shore South                          6 Tebeau Terrace
Grand Isle, VT 05458                   PO Box 43 Grand Isle, VT 0548
802-372-4495                              802-372-5668

The duties of justices of the peace can fall into five categories of responsibilities:

  1. Elections. Justices of the peace are members of the board of civil authority (BCA). Members of the BCA server as election officials at town elections. Justices also are responsible for delivering absentee ballots to voters at election time.
  2. Tax Abatement and Appeals. Justices of the peace sit as members of the town board for abatement of taxes to determine whether a taxpayer’s tax obligation should be forgiven under certain circumstances. Justices of the peace also serve an important role in the town’s tax appeal process. As a member of the board of civil authority, Justices sit to hear and decide appeals when citizens do not agree with the final decision of the listers.
  3. Marriages. Justices of the peace may also solemnize marriages in Vermont.
  4. Magistrate. Justices of the peace may also serve as a magistrate when so commissioned by the Supreme Court.