U.S. and Vermont State Representatives and Congressmen

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy

Burlington Office:  802-863-2525

Phone: 1-800-642-3193
Washington Phone Number: (202) 244-4242

U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders

Burlington Office:  802-862-0697

Phone: 1-800-339-9834
Washington Phone Number: (202) 244-4242

U.S. Representative Peter Welch

Burlington Office:  802-652-2450

Phone: (888) 605-7270
Washington Phone Number: (202) 225-4115

Grand Isle County Elected Officials

Vermont Representatives:

Michael Morgan (R)
Phone: (802) 828-2228

LeLand Morgan (D)
Phone: (802) 828-2228

Vermont Senator:

Richard Mazza
Phone: 802-863-1067