Town of Grand Isle Elected Official Positions
To be voted on Tuesday March 5th, 2024

Cemetery Commissioner, 1 year remaining of a 5-year term
Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term
Library Trustee, 5-year term
Lister, 3-year term
Select board, 2-year term
Select board, 3-year term
Town Clerk, 3-year term
Town Constable, 1 year term
Town Treasurer, 3-year term

To run for local office, a candidate petition signed by 1% of the registered voters and a consent
of candidate form must be filed with the town clerk by 5PM on the sixth Monday before the
election (January 29th). Grand Isle’s annual election is the first Tuesday of March.

For a PDF of this information, click here: 2024 Candidate Positions