TOWN OF GRAND ISLE August 11 th , 2020

Vermont Primary Election During the COVID-19 pandemic, voting will be handled in the safest possible manner for you, as a voter and pollworkers.

All voters are strongly encouraged to vote by absentee to reduce in-person voting. A request to receive a ballot may be done by returning the postcard sent by the State of Vermont, online at My Voter Page or email – , by telephone (372-8830) or in person at the Town Clerk’s Office, 9 Hyde Road. Postage is prepaid making voting in this manner more convenient than ever. Absentee ballots will be processed as directed by Vermont State Statutes and Office of the Secretary of State.

In-person voting will be available on August 11 th , 2020 from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Areas will be marked to ensure social distancing for each voter and pollworkers. Stay at home if you have a fever, respiratory symptoms, or believe you are sick. Wearing a mask is required. Should you not want to wear a mask, you must vote absentee. One-way traffic flow will be utilized by entering through the Town Clerk’s door. Due to limited space, up to four people will be allowed to vote at any given time. A child older than the age of two accompanying a voter will count towards the total number allowed and they also must adhere to wearing a mask. Ballots will be issued upon check-in. Once voted, ballots will be deposited as directed in the Lister’s Office. Exiting the building will be through the Lister’s door.

To allow for proper social distancing and disinfecting, expect wait times to be as long as fifteen minutes.

Please vote in the manner that provides you the safest voting experience.