
Town Reports


Development Review Board










  • ____________________________________________________

Library Commission

Recreation Committee

Select Board


Planning Commission – Agendas

Planning Commission – Minutes & Other Information

Minutes 03-20-18

Minutes 04-03-18

Minutes 04-17-18

Minutes 05-15-18

Minutes 06-05-18

Minutes 06-19-18

Minutes 07-17-18

Minutes 08-21-18

Minutes 09-04-18

Minutes 09-18-18

Minutes 10-02-18

Minutes 10-16-18

Minutes 11-20-18

Minutes 12-04-18

Minutes 12-18-18
Minutes 01-15-19

Minutes 02-05-19

Minutes 02-19-19

Minutes 03-19-19

PC&SB Minutes special meeting 03-27-19

Minutes 04-02-19

Minutes 04-16-19

Minutes 05-07-19

Minutes 05-21-19

Minutes 06-04-19

Minutes 06-18-19

Minutes 07-02-19

Minutes 07-16-19

Minutes 08-06-19

Minutes 09-03-19

Minutes 10-01-19

Minutes 10-15-19

Minutes 11-05-19

Minutes 12-03-19

Minutes 12-17-19

Minutes 01-15-19

Minutes 02-05-19

Minutes 02-19-19

Minutes 03-19-19

PC&SB Minutes special meeting 03-27-19

Minutes 04-02-19

Minutes 04-16-19

Minutes 05-07-19

Minutes 05-21-19

Minutes 06-04-19

Minutes 06-18-19

Minutes 07-02-19

Minutes 07-16-19

Minutes 08-06-19

Minutes 09-03-19

Minutes 10-01-19

Minutes 10-15-19

Minutes 11-05-19

Minutes 12-03-19

Minutes 12-17-19

Minutes 01-07-20

Minutes 01-21-20

Minutes 02-04-20

Minutes 02-18-20

Minutes 03-03-20

Minutes 03-17-20

Minutes 09-01-20

Minutes 09-15-20

Minutes 11-17-20

Minutes 12-01-20

Minutes 12-07-20

Minutes 01-05-21

Minutes 01-19-21 – Draft

Minutes 03-02-21

Minutes 03-16-21

Minutes 04-06-21

Minutes 04-20-21

Minutes 05-04-21

Minutes 05-18-21

Minutes 06-01-21

Minutes 06-15-21

Minutes 07-13-21

Minutes 07-27-21

Minutes 08-03-21

Minutes 08-17-21

Minutes 09-07-21

Minutes 09-21-21

Minutes 10-04-21

Minutes 10-19-21

Minutes 11-02-21

Minutes 11-16-21

Minutes 12-07-21

Minutes 12-21-21


Click Here to see ARPA SURVEY SUMMARY 041822  

In 2021, the town of Grand Isle was awarded a two-year total of $638,500 through the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), to aid in pandemic-related public health investments and/or economic recovery.    In January 2022, the US Department of Treasury issued its Final Rule for APRA funds, allowing towns/cities to take a “Standard Allowance” of up to $10M, which effectively allows Grand Isle to use the town’s ARPA funds for any government services or infrastructure.   The Planning Commission and Selectboard are working with guidance from VT League of Cities & Towns (VLCT) and Northwest Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) to look for ways to extend the town’s ARPA funds, in combination with other State/Federal funds, to maximize the impact of these funds for the town of Grand Isle.   Through the APRA survey, we are hoping to begin to engage the public in setting priorities for these funds.  We also hope to use this input to inform the town’s 5-year Capital Budget Plan as well as the upcoming revision of the Town Plan in 2023.